Miss You Much
/It’s a long list, the things I miss, but near the top is feeling helpful. When the pandemic shut us down in March, I did as well as anyone. I felt sad about all of the cancellation emails but they made perfect sense. it was mid summer before I started to wonder when it might be a thing to find me in Anytown, USA in Conference Room B waiting for you to join me for a parent event or a training. Late summer, I accepted that it might be a really long time before any of us feel comfortable gathering all together in one room, no matter how cute our masks are or how great the ventilation is. We know how important it is to be safe. I am deeply invested in keeping your family and my family safe and so we keep on keeping our distance. Nearly eight months in, I would NOT describe myself as a Pandemic Thriver.
You know a Pandemic Thriver, I admire the heck out of them. They are baking beautiful breads. They are working out, and it shows! They are reading a book every week. They are finding solace in the little things. They are setting lofty goals and nailing them. They are organizing their lives. The only thing thriving for me in this pandemic is my hair. I cut my bangs nearly every day and I shouldn’t. I’m more of a Pandemic Coper.
It seems to me that the Pandemic Thrivers have something in common. Can you guess what it is? it’s purpose. I have taken on a few purposeful projects during this pandemic year (Year? Ugh!) including virtual classes, policy work, potty training my grandson and supporting parents from far away. I have also let some things go in order to be more available to my family so they can better navigate trying to work from home. Hanging out with Frank and Fletcher, Lena, and Flynn (FOUR! I cannot believe I have Four grand babies!) has been the best part of this pandemic, hands down. I will briefly mention that I have mastered a Maple Matcha Latte that I will be happy to serve to you on the other side of this mess. It is delicious. But now, it’s getting darker and colder.
Let me just get to it. I think this is a really tough time for all of us, but most especially for parents and care givers of young children. I know a few things about parenting. I know a few things about children. I wonder if I can help. What if I scheduled an evening every week this winter to help you navigate this new reality of parenting, child care and teaching during a pandemic? Would you sign up for a slot? What might that be worth to you? Would forty minutes be too long? Would you sign up with friends for two slots? Would you bring your partner? Could we chat on the phone? Would you, could you do yet another thing on Zoom? Would you laugh at my bangs?
I am turning the comment section on for this post. I would appreciate your input! Thanks, Friends. I miss you.